Programmers Day
The Day of Knights
We the programmers, are awesome++. Computers have influenced today’s world like nothing else. Computers control almost every aspect of our modern society. And who controls these computers? Its controlled by men and women who fight day-and-night to arrange those ‘magical’ 32 keywords in a way that does awesome things. Drive a toy car or control a space shuttle to put a man on moon, these people do everything with equal passion and dedication.
Programmers are incredible artists. Given a set of some 30-50 words their canvas influences physical world. And thus, programming is about creativity. Anyone can solve a problem. But ‘teaching’ a machine made mostly with sand (Silicon) is a skill not everybody can grasp easily. Programmers are masters.
The Kings and Queens...
Living in a ‘intelligent’ world, we still have to spend as much as 60% of our coding efforts on handling exceptions—making sure the user don’t do something ‘stupid’ and cause the system to crash. Yet, programmers love what they do. While handling exceptions, programmers full-proof the system in other words, they make sure the user WILL behave exactly the way they want it to. Programmers are those invisible Kings and Queens controlling this ‘intelligent’ world.
Hello, Progammer!
For those, to whom numbers start at 0 and end at 1,
For those to whom, coffee is beer and pizza, samosas are the dinner,
For those who hunt bugs and do !love missing semicolons,
I Wish a Happy++ Programmers Day.
13th of September, 2018